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NETGEAR MA401 Wireless PC Card

NETGEAR MA401 Wireless PC Card

NETGEAR MA401 Wireless PC Card Publisher's Description

NETGEAR MA401 Wireless PC Card:N E T G E A R’s MA401 802.11b Wireless PC Card gives you total freedom—it allows you to stay continuously connected to your Local Area Network without any wires. Roam freely throughout your office from one access point to another and continue to send and receive e-mail and use other network resources, such as files and printers, at 11 Mbps speed. Quickly and effortlessly network your employees, including those in remotely located offices in your building, minus the time and expense of Ethernet cabling. Standards-based 802.11b technology and 128-bit Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) encryption provide your network with the highest level of reliability and privacy. Designed for PCs running Windows 95, 98, Me, NT, and 2000, the MA401 performs with a wide range of wireless Internet services available in airports and hotels, and supports the vast majority of notebook PCs.

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